Marie Kodo Tips For Clothes

Keeping your wardrobe organized isn’t as hard as it seems. You can follow the KonMari fold method to keep all your clothes in one place. However, if your clothes are piled up, they are hard to see and reach. To be more in keeping with the KonMari fold method, you should try to stand them up. This will make them easier to see and touch, which is key to keeping your wardrobe organized.

Folding method

Folding your clothes correctly is one of the most essential aspects of the Marie Kodo method. It can help you save space while avoiding wrinkles. In addition to that, folding clothes in the Marie Kodo way helps you show gratitude for each piece of clothing you own.

Marie Kodo’s book has made her a worldwide phenomenon, with millions of people attempting to apply her methods to their own closets and drawers. The method has been credited with helping people tame their homes and lives by reducing the amount of stuff they have. By employing the Marie Kodo method, people have been able to see what they own at a glance and give each item a chance to be worn throughout the week.

The method is simple enough for the beginner to follow. Begin by folding a t-shirt lengthwise, starting from the center. Next, fold the sleeve so that it fits within the rectangle and is flush with the edge. Repeat the folding process for the other side. After folding, smooth the folded item with your hand to ensure its shape is preserved.

Another fundamental of the KonMari method is vertical folding. Unlike traditional methods of organizing, the vertical folding method helps you store clothes vertically, similar to the way books are stored. This makes it easy to store a large volume of clothing in a single drawer and also makes it easier to access each article.

Marie Kodo’s folding method for clothing is simple, but effective. It makes your clothing easier to store and makes it easier to find the perfect outfit. It also makes it easier to organize your closet, making it more attractive and functional. If you want to learn more about the Marie Kodo method, check out her books on Amazon and YouTube.

Another simple folding technique is to fold your pants lengthwise. A simple rule of thumb is to fold cotton pants lengthwise, lining the seat and crotch up against each other. The legs should then be folded toward the waistband, leaving a one-inch gap at the top.

Discarding items

Marie Kodo recommends discarding items in clothes first, as they are often less sentimental. Next, she suggests discarding papers, books, and mementos. Finally, she suggests to sort clothing into categories, such as tops and bottoms, jackets, and socks. Clothes must be folded in a specific way in order to be stored easily. This method can save a great deal of space.

Before discarding an item, remember to thank it by saying goodbye to it. If you haven’t worn it in a while, try to recall the times when you were happy wearing it. Then, consider donating or tossing it. This will help you get rid of things that you don’t actually need.

When it comes to papers, Marie Kodo recommends discarding nearly everything, excluding only those items that hold sentimental value. This also includes any papers you’re not using. If you’re keeping a few documents, you can keep them in a file or designate a spot for them. You can also discard items that don’t fit into other categories, such as kitchen utensils, household supplies, and technology.

You can also look at your closet for things that no longer spark joy. Marie Kodo recommends a method that allows you to weed through your wardrobe item by item. You can then determine which items are no longer sparking joy and then discard them. A simple way to start this method is to check each item in your clothes and see if it sparks joy. If the item doesn’t spark joy, you can safely discard it.

Marie Kodo’s book has become a worldwide phenomenon as a method to declutter your home. It teaches you how to organize things by room and category, and encourages you to throw away items that don’t spark joy. While the method is strict, it’s simple enough to start.

Sorting by item category

In Marie Kodo’s method, it’s important to sort clothes by item category. This method allows you to keep the most commonly worn clothing close at hand. Unlike other methods, this method doesn’t require you to keep all of your clothes together. You can sort clothes by weight, length, and colour.

Once you’ve identified the categories for items, you can sort by type. Marie Kondo suggests a total of five categories: clothing, books, papers, miscellany, and mementos. Once you’ve sorted by category, you can move on to folding and storing your items. For clothes, Marie Kondo suggests folding them in specific ways. This method allows you to use the least storage space while preserving the most sentimental items.

Filing method

If you haven’t heard of the KonMari method yet, it is a system for organizing and folding your clothes. It results in a drawer or dresser full of folded clothes that you can easily see and find. This method is great for keeping your clothes organized and minimizing wrinkles. The method is a great way to keep your closet organized and simple. It’s not a secret that folding your clothes will help you find what you’re looking for in seconds.

When you’re folding your clothes, Marie Kodo recommends ensuring that they have the best shape possible. This means folding your shirts, skirts, pants, and other clothing items in a way that reinforces their shape. The creases should be even and not too wide or too narrow. The shape of the folded item should also allow it to stand by itself. Marie Kodo calls this the “golden point of folding.” Finally, you should always smooth out a folded item before you move on to another item.

Another great thing about the Marie Kodo method is that it does not create a huge mess. Instead, the clothes are stored neatly, so that you won’t have to search for a matching outfit. This method also helps to eliminate the need to search through clothes before you can start your day. With this method, you’ll have fewer outfits in your drawers, which means you’ll have more time to get ready.

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